Book your car
  • Voiture
  • Utilitaire

The driver designated in the contract must be of the age required by the regulations in force for driving a vehicle.

Means of payment
Car rental agency - LOC STATION - especes.png Car rental agency - LOC STATION - carte_bancaire.png Car rental agency - LOC STATION - virement.png Car rental agency - LOC STATION - cheques_vacances.png

WARWING THE INSURANCE OF VISA 1ER, MASTER GOLD, AMEX GOLD, AND VISA INFINITE DO NOT COVER THE DAMAGE ON UTILITIES 9m3, 11m3, 23m3 AND Porte Voiture AND Minibus. The holder of the credit card must be the driver of the vehicle, same lastname, same firstname. We draw your attention to the fact that Maestro or Electron debit cards are not accepted.

Rent a vehicle at LOC STATION with CARGO

Professional renting vehicles in the urban area of ​​Clermont-Ferrand (Gerzat, Riom, Lempdes, Castle Bridge ...), we meet your mobility needs by making available a wide range of vehicle, available with B permit to go, transportation and removals.

We offer rental of commercial vehicles (vans, van and truck), passenger cars (Clio ...) of Minibus 9 seats, refrigerated vehicles as well as a car door and an electric vehicle.

We also work with professionals and EC (Works Council) to establish partnerships and preferential rates.

Our rental office is easily accessible by car (A89 motorway exit 15) and bus (line 20 stop T2C Rhonez). Near Clermont Ferrand airport, we also offer solutions for looking ahead.

See you soon !

The team CarGo Clermont Ferrand / Gerzat

Contact & business hours

Bd F. Mitterrand - ZAC Fontchenille, 63360 Gerzat
Phone : 04 73 27 24 46
We speak : French - English
  • Monday 08:30 - 12:00, 14:00 - 18:00
  • Tuesday 08:30 - 12:00, 14:00 - 18:00
  • Wednesday 08:30 - 12:00, 14:00 - 18:00
  • Thursday 08:30 - 12:00, 14:00 - 18:00
  • Friday 08:30 - 12:00, 14:00 - 18:00
  • Saturday 09:00 - 12:00, 17:30 - 18:45
  • Sunday Fermé

options & services

Specific vehicles

Refrigerated vehicles



CarGo pick you up

Cargo Night Offer

Moving kit


Our partners


Crazy bargains !

CarGo Family for families

Are you going on vacation with your family ?
Because "large family" often times
means "expensive vacation", CarGo gives you
a 30% discount* on all
your vehicle rentals.

CarGo Night, rent your
truck for the night !

You wish to move and the rental
of a truck seems expensive to you? Avoid
round trips with your own car!
Take advantage of your evening to move and
realize 60 % saving.

Learn more